May 26-28th, 2025

Hotel Arche Cukrownia Żnin


On behalf of the The Polish Association of Juices Producers (KUPS), we are delighted to invite you to the 26th International Symposium of Polish Association of Juice Producers “Juice industry - perspectives and development”, which will take place on 26-28th of May 2025, in Żnin, Poland.

The aims of this Symposium are to make participants aware of the current global industry developments, provide them with an opportunity to broaden their network, exchange of knowledge, experience, and ideas, create new trade opportunities for and with the Polish Juice Industry and facilitate access to other markets in the region.

We will also analyse the current market potential and forecast various phenomena that might have an impact on the future development of the juice industry.

International Symposium of KUPS has become the meeting place, not only for the Polish juice industry but also for companies from abroad, who are interested in cooperation with local companies.

Speakers and panelists shared their knowledge, experience and vision of the future of the juice industry. As far as the programme is concerned, a wide variety of topical issues which determine the business environment of today are addressed, as well as challenges for tomorrow.

We are convinced that the International Symposium KUPS has become a permanent feature in the calendar of the most important events in the juice industry.

This year we organise our Symposium in Hotel Arche Cukrownia Żnin. Also we are preparing very attractive evening programmes. We hope it will enhance your networking experience.

We cordially invite you to a guided tour of the Sugar Factory (Cukrownia) Żnin.

The Sugar Factory operated in Żnin from 1894 to 2004. For years, the Żnin Sugar Factory was the largest employer in the region, initially producing only raw sugar. Today, the facility is a conference and recreation center, and at the same time a great pride of the residents of Żnin.

We very much look forward to welcoming you and seeing you on 26-28th May 2025 in Żnin!

Cukrownia Żnin


Our Symposium is more than just sharing insights and knowledge. It also provides you with an ideal platform to socialise with colleagues and to network with new and existing business contacts.

To Do List


  • interesting presentations of topics important for the industry, concerning markets for raw materials, semi-finished and finished products
  • trends, technical and technological innovations, and legislative changes
  • exchange of information and experience relating to the juice industry
  • panel and informal discussions


  • over 200 guests from Poland and abroad
  • public administration officials
  • representatives of academia and the press
  • KUPS members and non-members
  • representatives of companies collaborating with the industry


  • domestic and foreign speakers
  • entrepreneurs from leading juice companies
  • scientists from renowned academic centres and scientific institutions who specialise in the market and technology


  • interesting artistic program


  • the organisers will provide simultaneous interpreting services


Monday, May 26, 2025

  • 13:30 – 15:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 – 15:00 Registration

  • 15:00 – 15:30 Opening of the 26th International Symposium and welcoming of the Guests

    Julian Pawlak, Polish Association of Juice Producers (KUPS)

  • 15:30 – 19:00 The market of juices and the raw materials needed for their production

    • The recipe for success in building a global company
    • The Polish market of juices and concentrated juices within the European market and the perspectives for its growth
    • The market of concentrated citrus juices - the current situation at the markets
    • The global market of the concentrated apple juice and NFC
    • The perspectives of the fruit andvegetable industry, including the branch of juices
    • Q&A session


  • 20:00 Gala dinner

Tuesday, May 27, 2025

  • 10:00 - 13:30 New challenges and perspectives for the industry development

    • The market of juices, nectars and drinks
    • The channel of distrubution of juice products
    • Quality of juice products
    • Juice directive
    • Presentations of Companies
  • 13:30 – 15:30 Lunch

  • 15:30 – 17:15 ROP, Deposit system, PPWR, Product and technological innovations

    Panel discussion:

    • Challenges for companies in the context of packaging and packaging waste management
    • Challenges for companies in the context of product and technological innovations and consumer expectations
    • Presentations of Companies
  • 19:00 Integration dinner

Wednesday, May 28, 2025

  • 7:00 – 11:00 Chceckout

  • 10:00 - 12:00 Guided tour of the Sugar Factory (Cukrownia) Żnin

Organizers provide simultaneous translation during all the lectures (English and Polish).

Organizers reserve a right to make changes in the Symposium agenda.








Accommodation reservation

The symposium is being held at the hotel

Hotel Arche Cukrownia Żnin

Ul. Kl. Janickiego 1, 88-400 Żnin

Reservation for a password KUPS:

can be made by e-mail: or by phone: 525 065 750 or 504 086 545  for a password KUPS.

It is possible to guarantee early check-in from 1:00 PM on May 26, 2025 for an additional fee of PLN 50.

Hotel information

Hotel Arche Cukrownia Żnin is an elegant industrial-style hotel located in a former 19th-century Sugar Factory. 

Where you will find the spirit of a former factory, historical memorabilia, and modern solutions that create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation. A space for relaxation and meetings, full of interesting places to discover and unusual flavors to taste.

In this post-industrial enclave on the shore of the lake, you will find everything you need for a comfortable stay, including: two hotel buildings, conference rooms, restaurants, bars, its own brewery, cinema, SPA and a water park.

Cukrownia Żnin is located in Żnin, 42 km from Gniezno. The facility is 39 km from Inowrocław and 41 km from Bydgoszcz. The nearest airport is Bydgoszcz-Szwederowo Airport, located 40 km from the facility.


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