Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – NRI
Horticultural market analyst. Co-author of the twice-yearly report "Fruits and vegetables market. State and prospects". Author of numerous articles and studies on Polish horticulture, especially foreign trade in fruit, vegetables and their products.
Prof. Wacław Dąbrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology in Warsaw – State Research Institute (IAFB – SRI)
Senior research and technical specialist in the Laboratory of Physicochemical and Sensory Quality Testing in the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Product Technology, with which she has been associated since 2016. Since 2022, as part of preparations for her doctoral dissertation, she has been working on developing a technology to reduce the concentration of sugar naturally present in fruit juices using enzymatic reactions, which coincides with her scientific interests. Since 2023, she has been a PhD student at the AgroBioTech Doctoral School. Her past scientific achievements include participation in 2 scientific conferences as a speaker, authorship and co-authorship of 3 scientific publications, co-authorship of 1 patent application and participation in 3 scientific projects.
Dr Mariusz Dziwulski
PKO Bank Polski
Expert in agri-food market analysis at PKO Bank Polski. Doctor of Economics. A graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Has several years of experience in market analysis for the banking sector. Formerly associated with the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics (2007-2010). He is the author of numerous scientific and popular publications, as well as expert opinions on the food industry.
Joanna Gajda-Wyrębek, MSc.
National Institute of Public Health NIH-National Research Institute
Head of the Food Additive Department at the National Institute of Public Health NIH - NRI. An expert on safety and legislation regarding food additives, flavourings and enzymes. A co-creator of food law at the international level as a member of working groups of experts on food additives within the European Commission and the Council of the European Union. She prepares expert opinions and evaluations of risk assessment in terms of food containing additives and conducts trainings for food producers and employees of food inspection authorities. An author of multiple papers in scientific and trade journals.
Dr inż Babrara Groele
Polish Association of Juice Producers
Since 2004 she is the Polish Association of Juice Producers (KUPS) General Secretary. She defended her doctoral thesis at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences at the Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences. A graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Technology and Human Nutrition, Biotechnology Department and NCU School of Business in Nowy Sącz. Member of the DQS Program Council, the DSK Technical Team, the AIJN Technical Committee and of the Agricultural Agreement at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Member of the Management Committee of the Fruit and Vegetable Promotion Fund.
Prof. Krystyna Gutkowska
Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW
Director of Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences. Previously, he was a Dean for many years of Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences at Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW). Main areas of didactic and scientific activity of Professor is focused on consumer behavior in the food market, servicisation of consumption, sociology and marketing research in the food market, level and structure of consumption in different types of households, determinants of consumer behavior in the food market, new trends in consumption, and consumerversus innovativefood.
Izabela Kluzek-Kot
Expert in Wellbeing and L&D, PCC Coach, Top10 Coaches in Warsaw, CEO & Founder of Space to Gro. . For almost 20 years, I have gained experience in consulting and training companies, which now allows me to focus my attention solely on projects that support my life mission. For over 10 years, I have created and led the Coaching and Team Coaching School preparing for coaching profession and ICF accreditation, which now operates under the brand House of Skills. This path led me to the world of start-ups to become an investor and founder of projects I believe in. I was an investor and Chief Business Development Officer at Wellbee (Wellbeing platform). Currently, I am the CEO and founder of Space to Grow, supporting business clients in building a new work environment based on engagement and a healthy organizational culture where there is room for development and efficiency for every employee. At Space to Grow, we create solutions for companies based on in-depth analysis, matching the method to the needs, and the individual to the method. Our solutions are based on the work of coaches, mentors, and specialists. I am also a director and lecturer of postgraduate studies in Wellbeing in organizations, Diversity and Inclusion Studies, as well as an expert at the Institute of Employment Law andWork-Life Balance at Lazarski University.
Dr Dorota Ewa Kruczyńska
Deputy head of the Department of Variety Evaluation, Nursery and Genetic Resources. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Horticulture at the Agricultural University of Poznań. From the beginning of his work at ISiK (currently IO-PIB), she has been dealing with the quality of apple and pear fruit varieties. It examines various factors (including rootstock, weather conditions, soil etc.) affecting the quality characteristics of fruit. The frost resistance of pome trees, as well as problems related to integrated fruit production, are also the subject of her interest. In recent years, she has been paying a lot of attention to issues related to organic (ecological) production, extending the durability of apple and pear fruit, as well as orchards producing raw material for the processing industry. She is an author of many scientific papers, reports for domestic and foreign conferences, and numerous popular science articles in the field of variety studies (794 in total). She is a member of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the Polish Society for Horticultural Science (PTNO).
Dr Dariusz Lizak
National Chamber of Commerce „Bottling Industry” Polish Association of Juices Producers
President at National Chamber of Commerce „Bottling Industry”. Vice President at Polish Association Juices Producers. President of Hortex Sp. z o. o. Charman of Supervisory Board - Jurajska S.A. - Hortex Group. Experienced Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the beverages, packaging, recycling and containers industry. Skilled in Water, Beverages, Juices, Beer Market, Polymers, Plastics Packaging and Rycycling Industry. Strong education professional with a Doctoral Degree focused in Strategic Management from University of Economics in Katowice. Academically Proactive, Lecturer. Consulting, investment adviser.
Dr. Krystian Marszałek, Associate Professor
Prof. Wacław Dąbrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology in Warsaw – State Research Institute (IAFB – SRI)
Head of the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Product Technology, Member of the Council of the National Science Center and IAFB-NIR and Chairman of the Sector Council of the Food, Agriculture and Forestry Sector within the Polish Committee for Standardization. In last year’s He was visiting professor in the University of Valencia (Spain), University of Padua (Italy) and Institute of Food Science and Technology, CAAS (China). Prior to his current appointment, he received many scholarships awarded by WULS, Mazovian Governor and by Polish Ministry of the Science and Higher Education for the most prominent young scientists in Poland and the honorary badge of Merit for Agriculture by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. Laureate of Innovative Young Researcher and highlighted in best 5% of WULS PhD students. Expert and evaluator in PARD, NCRC, PNAAE, MFRP and FPS as well as member of PNC, PSFT and SGS. Prof. Krystian Marszałek is also reviewer in many international prestigious Journals and his scientific achievements cover participation in 26 research grants, authorships and co-authorships of 107 publications and book chapters, over 50 conference abstracts and 30 presentations. His scientific area cover application of emerging techniques for food processing and preservation like high pressure processing, high pressure carbon dioxide, high pressure homogenization, microwave heating, ultrasounds etc.
Consumer Panel Services GfK
He graduated from the Higher School of Commerce. Postgraduate of the Jagiellonian University, the WSB Merito University and the Executive MBA studies at the WSB Merito University Wroclaw. He has been active in the FMCG industry for almost 20 years, starting in 2002 when he joined Nielsen. In 2012-14 he was responsible for Business Development in the CEE and Baltic states and in 2014-18 he worked as the CEO of the Polish branch of Nielsen. For 16 years he has had the opportunity to cooperate with various producers and retailers, providing solutions that popularise business development. Since January 2019 he has been associated with the GfK company where he became the CEO in 2023. He is responsible for implementation of the long-term strategy of growth and assuring the customers, producers and retailers are satisfied with the delivered solutions and cooperation.
MSc. Iwo Moszczyński
GEA Process Engineering Sp. z o.o.
Sales Manager Beverages & Dairy at GEA Process Engineering. In his current position since 2021, he previously worked as a project manager/engineer. From the beginning, his career was related to the food industry. For many years, he successfully designed and managed the construction of process lines, including the fruit industry. The main goal of the projects was to introduce sustainable development in the fruit industry; implementing new, innovative GEA solutions on the Polish market, e.g. reducing the carbon footprint, recovering and managing carbon dioxide, increasing productivity, etc.
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – NRI
Head of the team that has been preparing market analyzes on the situation on the fruit and vegetable market since 1992 (twice a year). Central Statistical Office expert in estimating vegetable harvests in Poland. Author of many studies, articles and expert opinions on Polish, European and global horticulture, especially regarding the processing sector.
Professor Mariusz Panczyk is recognized as an excellent researcher and lecturer at the Medical University of Warsaw, focusing on data analysis and academic teaching. He has extensive experience in collaborating on international research projects in the field of health sciences, enabling him to develop innovative methodologies in public health. As an expert, he has collaborated with various organizations, focusing his activity on the optimization of clinical data management and enhancing the quality of scientific research.
Polish Association of Juice Producers
President of the Polish Association of Juice Producers since 2004. Formerly the president and CEO of Tymbark, currently the Strategy Advisor and since 2003 chairman of the supervisory board of Tymbark.
Döhler Sp. z o.o.
President of Döhler Sp. z o.o. Since 2012 Vice-president of the KUPS Board. Member of the Management Board at European Fruit Juices Association (AIJN). He gained his professional experience in the family business Alpex
Sp. z o.o. As a member of the Polish Association of Juice Producers (KUPS) he participates actively into activities cooperation with industry promotion.
General Manager Bussines Unit Poland. Magdalena Rohde - Krempa graduated of Technical University in Cracow. For 30-years has worked for Maspex Group - one of the biggest company in CEE region in food and drinks market. During her professional career was responsible for strategic areas of business, taking key positions in the Management Board of the company. At present, as a General Manager of „Business Unit Poland Beverages”, she takes responsoibility for manufacturing, sales, marketing and development of the main polish brands: Tymbark, Kubuś, Tarczyn, Dr Witt and Tiger.
Bank Pekao S.A.
Expert in agricultural and food sector analyses in Macroeconomic Research Department of Bank Pekao S.A. He studied International Policy and European Integration at the Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw. He also completed doctoral studies at the Collegium of Management and Finance of Warsaw School of Economics. In 2015-2022 Food and agribusiness analyst in Santander Bank Polska. In 2014-2015 he worked in Department of Macroeconomic and Sectoral Analyzes of Bank BGŻ (BNP Paribas currently), where he was responsible for the red meat market analyses. From 2005 to 2014 he worked for Agricultural Market Agency. Author of comments, articles and press releases regarding the situation on agricultural markets.
East Europe Marketing Manager in Tetra Pak, world’s leading food processing and packaging company. She works with the biggest regional juice and dairy producers to identify areas of potential growth and innovations. Throughout her career in FMCG sector and marketing agencies she has successfully managed complex projects and initiatives related to brand positioning, industry trends, business goals and integrated marketing plans. During her speech she will present the global market trends impacting the future of JNSD product offering.
Head of Nutrition and Nutritional Value of Food Department in National Institute of Public Health NIH - National Research Institute. She has obtained knowledge and experience in the field of food and nutrition (particularly on food supplements, fortified foods, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses). She took part in the process of harmonization of the Polish food law to the European regulations. She participates in the works setting requirements for foods on the national level, European level and Codex Alimentarius (the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses). Her current research activities are connected with consumption of food, nutrition and food quality.
IGI Food Law
Food Law and Sustainable Food Law Advisor, CEO of IGI FOOD LAW LLC., with 22 years of work and experience in Warsaw, Brussels, Singapore, and Washington, D.C. She is an expert in interpreting and applying EU and national food law requirements. She advises food producers and distributors on complying with regulations at the design, marketing, and distribution stages. She has successfully implemented EU procedures (novel foods, health claims, additives, supplements, FSMP). Thanks to excellent and many years of knowledge of the functioning of national institutions, including inspections and EU institutions, and following their work, she provides expertise and solutions that help companies prepare for upcoming changes in food law and sustainable food law. In 2011, she established the Summer School of Food Law, which offers workshops on the application of food law. She is a speaker, scholarship holder, author and co-author of publications, articles, and books.
Centrum Monitorowania Rynku Sp. z o.o.
At CMR, he is responsible for business development and PR. Previously, she gained experience in Business Intelligence. Doctor of Political Science by education, graduate of the University of Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Economics. Author of many scientific articles in the field of political science and the FMCG industry.